Finally I understand the PokeStops ! and I'm amazed by them! New episode of Pokemon GO Adventures! The next one will be during the day! WAIT! Is that Goldeen We need to catch em all !
Pokemon GO Adventrures playlist:
Pokemon GO Description
Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and many other Pokémon have been discovered on planet Earth!
Now’s your chance to discover and capture the Pokémon all around you—so get your shoes on, step outside, and explore the world. You’ll join one of three teams and battle for the prestige and ownership of Gyms with your Pokémon at your side.
Pokémon are out there, and you need to find them. As you walk around a neighborhood, your smartphone will vibrate when there’s a Pokémon nearby. Take aim and throw a Poké Ball… You’ll have to stay alert, or it might get away!
Search far and wide for Pokémon and items
Certain Pokémon appear near their native environment—look for Water-type Pokémon by lakes and oceans. Visit PokéStops, found at interesting places like museums, art installations, historical markers, and monuments, to stock up on Poké Balls and helpful items.
Catching, hatching, evolving, and more
As you level up, you’ll be able to catch more-powerful Pokémon to complete your Pokédex. You can add to your collection by hatching Pokémon Eggs based on the distances you walk. Help your Pokémon evolve by catching many of the same kind.
Take on Gym battles and defend your Gym
As your Charmander evolves to Charmeleon and then Charizard, you can battle together to defeat a Gym and assign your Pokémon to defend it against all comers.
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Informações do Vídeo

ID do Vídeo: dmySS82aNUU
Tempo do Vídeo: 4:17
Visualizações: 13108
Número Curtidas: 99
Número Descurtidas: 8
Classificação: 4.63
Imagem Original:


O vídeo POKEMON GO Adventures #3 | Finding PokeStops & Catching Goldeen - Stamford, CT (GoPro HERO) foi retirado do Canal: TheGameHuntah | Clash Royale & Mobile Gaming

Se escreve no canal TheGameHuntah | Clash Royale & Mobile Gaming ai abaixo.

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