The New Update brings Pokemon Go Plus Support and Pokemon Go Buddy. Arrived 9/10/2016. Get Walking!!
Example: Growlithe 3k, charmeleon 3k, caterpie 1k, Snorlax 5k. But any distance given gives you 1 candy I found so far.
Pokemon Go Plus will be released on September 16th. If you don't have the update yet, it will come soon!
First Look

Informações do Vídeo

ID do Vídeo: g3nyFSuiFdQ
Tempo do Vídeo: 2:51
Visualizações: 25520
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Classificação: nan
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O vídeo Pokemon Go Buddy and Plus Update | FIRST LOOK!! foi retirado do Canal: Jimmy is Promo

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TAGs: Pokémon GO, pokemon, Tutorial, How-to, Pokemon Go Plus, jimmy..., help, first, Pokemon Go Update, pokemon go new update, prank pokemon, roubando pokemon go, pokamon videos, newest pokemon, american pokemon, pokemon music, pokemon game web