Welcome back to another episode of Pokemon GO! Today in this episode we go on a giant Pokemon hunt for lapras but end up finding so many more! 3 LURES AT 3 POKESTOPS!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Pokediger1
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Pokediger1
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Pokediger1
Mature Channel: http://youtube.com/PDJuan
*I recently changed my name to Poke on YouTube just to make it more short and sweet, hope you guys like it! All social media will still be @Pokediger1!*
Thumbnails: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ5EwQ4o7_gWcT8jedWzNVwapp=desktop
Intro: GRiZ – Stop Trippin' (with iDA HAWK)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8P28RXa3zY
Informações do Vídeo
ID do Vídeo: uy_XPdKbsUs
Tempo do Vídeo: 9:34
Visualizações: 27088
Número Curtidas: 479
Número Descurtidas: 22
Classificação: 4.78
Imagem Original: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uy_XPdKbsUs/hqdefault.jpg
O vídeo GIANT HUNT FOR LAPRAS! (Pokemon GO Gameplay #2) foi retirado do Canal: Poke
Se escreve no canal Poke ai abaixo.
TAGs: Pokémon GO, Pokemon Go Gameplay, poke, pokemon go game, pokemon go tips, Pokemon Go Walkthrough, Pokediger1, joga Pokémon go no Pc, pokemon beginning pokemon, pokemon game sites, see pokemon, the latest pokemon, pokemon xd
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